One Strong Mama Program – My review as a prenatal yoga teacher

When I got pregnant with my 3rd baby, one of my biggest fears was the impact it would have on my body. My 2nd baby was 10lbs 6oz and after birth I had a significant diastasis recti that took a very long time to repair. My body felt so foreign during that postpartum and I worried that a 3rd pregnancy would make my recovery that much more difficult.

So, when I heard that Lauren Ohayon of Restore Your Core, a program my prenatal yoga teacher trainer highly recommended, was teaming up with Lindsay McCoy of Mama Aligned to create a program for pregnancy, I was stoked.

Even though I was already teaching prenatal yoga and was a childbirth educator, I felt like I still had so much to learn, and what I love about the One Strong Mama program is how comprehensive it feels. They address alignment, bio-mechanics, anatomy, common discomfort, like SI and pubic symphysis discomfort, questions about pelvic floor function and always looking at ways to “stack the cards in your favor” to make your pregnancy, birth and postpartum go as smoothly as possible.

The classes and videos have such a great information and feel personalized, like Lauren and Lindsay are my friends IRL. It is the quality of the information that really helped me to feel prepared and more easeful in my 3rd pregnancy. I purchased this program in my 3rd trimester and I really feel like it was worth every penny. Also, as a prenatal yoga teacher, I regularly reference their information for my classes.

Here is a comparison photo from my 2nd pregnancy to my 3rd pregnancy. In the photo on the left, you can see the angle of my belly (as indicated by the blue arrows) is much lower, what is sometimes referred to as a pendulous belly. This can create excess pressure on the abdominal muscles, which exacerbated my diastasis recti AND put baby at a less than optimal angle for birth. In fact, we had to use the “lift and tuck” method from Spinning Babies to get him to full engage in labor.

pendulous belly

I’m so grateful I found this program and for its support. They also offer a facebook group that is open to anyone, not just people who own the program, where they generously share their knowledge and time.


They very rarely have a sale. But if you want the to use my affiliate code for an extra $10 off, please contact me.

I’m happy to answer questions you have about the program and if you buy it, let me know what you think!

About margotyoga

lover of traveling, yoga, reading, loving, motherhood, social justice, meditation, peace, big trees, the ocean, family, dancing, learning, running, playing, laughing and people.
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